Kaper - Peter - CW
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Friday, 18 January 1895
Peter Kaper, aged fifty four years, died at his home in the west end last Sunday about 7:30 o’clock. He had been complaining for several days but did not believe in the efficacy of doctors. No one was called until Sunday morning when he suddenly became much worse. He continued to fail until evening when death relieved him. His children have been summoned from Ohio, and the time of the funeral will be set when they are heard from. Mr. Kaper was a soldier in Co. B, 183d Regiment, Ohio Vol., and a man of many excellent traits, popular with all. He was born in Eshweiler, Germany, in 1841. He had lived here about eight years and at the time of his death owned the cigar factory over Fry’s grocery. -s