Jarvis - William Henry "Hank"
William Henry "Hank" JARVIS 

Source: Waveland Independent, Feb 13, 1941
William Henry JARVIS, who has been in Robert Long Hospital for several weeks taking treatment for stomach ulcers died on Friday morning after a long flight in which he was aided by several friends donating blood for transfusion. Funeral services at the home of his mother, Mrs. Martha Jarvis, north of Guion were held on Sunday afternoon in charge of Rev. John Servies. Mrs. Charles F. Moore and Miss Virginia Moore sang with Mrs. Heinen at th epiano. The pall bearers who also carried the flowers were: Lee; Clovis; Norman; Raymona dn Milford Jarvis and Robert Jack. Burial in Bethany Cemetery. He was the son of Winfield Scott Jarvis and Martha Sutton Jarvis and he was born on the home farm where he lived most of his life Oct 3, 1886. The mother for whom he made a home, survives, with 3 brothers Howard of Indianapolis; Ben of Rockville and Fred of Crawfordsville and four sisters: Miss Mae Jarvis of Indianapolis; Mrs. John Watts of Danville Ill and Mrs. Albert Kennedy, Crawfordsville. - transcribed by kbz
Source: Waveland Independent, March 6, 1941
William Henry JARVIS, son of Winfield Scott and Martha SUTTON Jarvis was born Oct 3, 1886 and passed away in the Robert Long Hospital, Indianapolis, Feb 7 aged 54 years 4 months 4 days. For the past 25 years, since he was discharged from war service at Camp Taylor, Ky. at the beginning of the World war on account of ill health, has cared for the farm and home of his parents. Since the death of his father, one brother, Jesse Jarvis and a sister, Mrs. Minnie Jack of Danville, Ill had preceded him in death. He leaves to mourn his loss aged mother, 86, three brothers, Howard of Indianapolis; Fred L. of Crawfordsville and Ben H. of Rockville and four sisters: May G. Jarvis and Mrs. Vallie Delay of Indianapolis; Mrs. John Watts of Danville, Ill and Mrs. Albert Kennedy of Crawfordsville, several nieces and nephews; and many neighbors and friends who were grieved and shocked at the death of their cheerful, respected and trustworthy friend, "Hank" as they all knew him. - transcribed by kbz