Isaacs - Hubert
Hubert Isaacs

Source: Waveland Independent - Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana - April 12, 1929
Dr. Hubert H. Isaacs and Lee Zachary were the victims of a collision at the crossing of Rt. 41 and the Kingman and Wallace road about 10 on Sunday night. Dr. Isaacs suffered a fractured skull and severe cuts about the head and face. Lee escaped with a cut on the head that required several stitches to close and a severe nervous shock. They had gone to Snoddy's Mil on Coal Creek northwest of Kingman earlier in the day to fish. On their way back they stopped in Kingman for supper and when they reached the crossing of the two roads it was raining very hard with continual lightning which made it har dto see the road. Lee was not familiar with the road and says that Dr. Isaacs called to him just as they reached the crossing, "Here's the slab." He did not have time to stop but drove on the road just as a car driven by Alex McClean of Clinton came form the south and struck them at the forward hub. Their car was turned completely around as was also the McClean car which was stopped off the right of way on the east facing south. Both the Dr. and Lee were thrown out and it is likely that hte doctor's head struck a sign post at the side of the road. At least this sign post was bent over. Lee was rendered unconscious for a time and when he came to himself he said the Dr. was lying on the pavement with his head covered with dirt and blood. A car following the McClean car rendered assistance and called help. Ther ewere six persons in the McClean car. None of them were much urt. Lee called his father, Harmon Zachary who had Hubert Smith take him to the scene of the accident. Dr. Isaacs was taken to Union hospital where it was found that in addition to a severe scalp wound, there was an extensive fracture of the skull. He did not regain consciousness after the accident but lived until Wednesday morning, dying at half past 7. Robert Spencer took Mrs. Isaac and the oldest daughter, Elizabeth to his bedside on Monday morning and the other two daughters, Edna and Margaret were taken down in the afternoon. Commencement season seems fated to bring tragedy to Waveland. One cannot pick up a paper without seeing accounts of fatal auto accidents but we have become so used to them that it does not especially shock us that human lives have been snapped out, but when it comes home to us, that is a different matter.
Dr. Hubert Isaacs, son of Dr. GW and Elizabeth Isaacs, was born near Somerset, Ky Aug 2, 1885 and passed away in the Union Hospital, Terre Haute, April 10, 1929; age 43 years 8 months 8 days. Of the old home circle five are living: Mrs. Bradford Warren of Marshall; Mrs. Bessie Anderson, George, Huston, and Elizabeth of Terre Haute; one brother, Cecil, having preceded him in death. In early manhood he chose the better part and with his sister, Mrs. Anderson joined the Christian Church. Sensing the need of the times and filled with a desire to serve his fellow man to the highest degree he studied medicine in the Hospital College of Medicine, Louisville, Ky, from which he graduated in 1908 and secured his post graduate degree from the Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati in 1909. As a general practitioner, he had resided in Somerset, Ky, Tangier, Owensburg, New Market and Waveland, Ind. At the age of 21, he was raised to the degree of Master Mason at Woodstock lodge NO 639 F&AM. On Oct 8, 1908 he was united in marriage to Stella Poynter. To this union three children were born, Elizabeth a junior in Teachers College, Terre Haute; Edna, a Senior and Margaret, a sophomore in Waveland HS. When the dark clouds of the great war lowered he did not hesitate; but sacrificed a lucrative practice to help his country; serving as a Lt. in the medical corps at Ft. Riley, Kan; Camp Custer, Mich; Camp Jackson SC and Columbus Barracks, Columbus, Oh from which he received an honorable discharge. Blinding rainstorm, an obscured view, a dangerous crossing, an awful crash and Dr. Isaacs lay lacerated and unconscious. Although hurried to the hospital where his friends of the medical profession did all they knew to save him, the hand of Death could not be stayed and Dr. Isaac's useful life was ended. In his chosen profesion his diagnosis was accurate and his advice sound. To his friends he was generous almost to a fault. To his family kind and loving, striving to give them those opportunities which would give a more comprehensive view of life. The world is wide in time and tide, and God is guide, through all our hurry. That man is blessed who does his best, And leaves the rest, then do not worry. - kbz