Ingersoll - Robert

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review Saturday, Aug 23, 1980
Services for Robert H. Ingersoll, 66 will be at 2 p.m. Monday in Powers Funeral Home, Rev. Larry R. Scwartz and Carlyle Scott officiating. Burial in Waynetown Masonic Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home 2-7 p.m. Sunday. Mr. Ingersoll was a member of Fortville United Methodist Church, National Rifleman Association, Sons of the American Revolution and American Legion. He was retired from Naval Aeronautics. He was graduated from New Market HS in 1933. Born June 28 1914 near Waynetown, he was a son of Ellis and Mary Scott Ingersoll. He was married in 1950 to Velma Surface who survives. Also surviving are 3 sons, Robert of Noblesville, William of California and David of Indianapolis; a daughter, Janet Ingersoll at home; a daughter-in-law, Debra Ingersoll of Noblesville; a sister, Mrs. Ed (Martha) Fendley of Crawfordsville and 4 grandchildren. - kbz