Ingersoll - Lloyd
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review -- 2-15-1963 

Lloyd INGERSOLL, 58, shipping clerk at RRD Crawfordsville, died of a heart attack Friday night at work. He had been employed by the county for 20 years and had resided alone in Waynetown for a number of years. He was the son of Clayton & Rebecca Moffet Ingersoll born near HIllsboro on 6-21-1904. He was never married and was a member of the Ingersoll Chapel Church near here. He was a member of the American Legion post, Hillsboro and graduated from Hillsboro HS in 1923. He had attended Butler University and served in WWII in the US Army. Survivors include 3 brothers, Ralph and Pual G. of Hillsboro and James of Waynetown; 4 sisters, Mrs. Mildred Woodruff of Frankfort; Mrs. Ruth Munns of Bloomington; Mrs. Jewell Bounnell of C'ville and Mrs. Lois Johnson of Covington; two nieces, Judith Ann Ingersoll, student at IU and Linda Ingersoll, Hillsboro. Funeral services were held at the Servies Funeral Home in Waynetown at 2 p.m. Tuesday with Rev. Keigh Ogler, pastor of the Christian Church officiating with burial in Waynetown Masonic
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Fri 1 Jan 1943 p 12
Waynetown, Jan 1 – A service flag will be dedicated Sunday morning at Ingersoll Church for Ernest Ellis, Gwendolyn McKee, Paul Guy Ingersoll, Lloyd Ingersoll, Ralph Ingersoll and Herschel Ingersoll. The last four are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ingersoll who reside just over the line in Fountain County. A service flag will also be dedicated Sunday morning at the Baptist Church by Rev. Gar Albritten.
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 2-15-1963
Lloyd INGERSOLL, 58, shipping clerk at RRD Crawfordsville, died of a heart attack Friday night at work. He had been employed by the county for 20 years and had resided alone in Waynetown for a number of years. He was the son of Clayton & Rebecca Moffet Ingersoll born near Hillsboro o6-21-1904. He was never married and was a member of the Ingersoll Chapel Church near here. He was a member of the American Legion post, Hillsboro and graduated from Hillsboro HS in 1923. He had attended Butler University and served in WWII in the US Army. Survivors include 3 brothers, Ralph and Paul G. of Hillsboro and James of Waynetown; 4 sisters, Mrs. Mildred Woodruff of Frankfort; Mrs. Ruth Munns of Bloomington; Mrs. Jewell Bounnell of Crawfordsville and Mrs. Lois Johnson of Covington; two nieces, Judith Ann Ingersoll, student at IU and Linda Ingersoll, Hillsboro.
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 15 Feb 1963 p 12
Waynetown - Funeral services for Lloyd Ingersoll were held Tuesday afternoon in the Servies Funeral Home preceded by a private family service in the morning. Rev. Keith Ogler officiated. Organ music was played by Mrs. Zala Ingersoll. Mr. Ingersoll's fellow workers at RR Donnelley & Sons attended. Serving as pallbearers were brothers-in-law, Samuel Woodruff, Ralph M. Bounnell, William Munns and Harrell Johnson also Vernie Harland and Bill Mitton. They also assisted with flowers. The burial was in Waynetown Masonic Cemetery.
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