Ingersoll - James K.
Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review 9 Sept 1931 p 8
New Market Sept 3 - James K. Ingersoll, prominent Montgomery County farmer died at the home of his son, Ellis J. Ingersoll one and one half miles east of here. Thursday morning at 8:30 o'clock following a serious illness of five days. Mr. Ingersoll had been in failing health for the psat two years. Complications caused his death. Mr. Ingersoll was born in Fountain County on Nov 9, 1846 a son of Van and Elmira Ingersoll. On Oct 14, 1874 he was married to Miss Sally A. Little who preceded him in death on Dec 22, 1919. Mr. Ingersoll lived in Montgomery County all his life and until 12 years ago resided near Waynetown. For the past 12 years he has made his home with his son. In addition to the son of whose home he died Mr. Ingersoll is survived by four grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. Nancy Britton of Marion., Two children, three brothers, and three sisters also preceded him in death. Funeral services will be held at the home of his son Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock and will be in charge of Rev. CB Sanforth of Smartsburg. Interment will take place in the Masonic Cemetery at Waynetown. - kbz