Ingersoll - Edwin Elvis
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review Jan 4,1965
Rites Wednesday for Former Farm Official Edwin Elvis Ingersoll, 90, 400 Dunn Ave, died at 6 p.m. Sunday at Culver Hospital. He had been ailing one year and seriously ill two weeks. Mr Ingersoll was born Aug 8, 1874, in Fountain County to Alonzo and Elmina Livengood Ingersoll. He was married to Nora May Herron March 17, 1894, near Alamo. She died in October 1943. He had lived near Alamo most of his life. The last 10 years he lived with a granddaughter, Mrs Nora Meagher. He farmed most of his life and was also in the logging business. Mr Ingersoll served for several years on the advisory board and as an assessor in Ripley Township. He also worked for the AFC (formerly AA) office in Crawfordsville. He is survived by two sons, Harold Ingersoll of Crawfordsville and Chester Ingersoll of Alamo; three daughters, Mrs. Lulu Miles of Rt. 6 Crawfordsville, Mrs. June Fusk of Rt 1 Waynetown and Mrs. Elsie Moore of Rt. 2 Waynetown; 12 grandchildren; 20 great grandchildren; two great great grandchildrenand nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by three daughters. Mrs Ura Hesler, Mrs Mary McMurray and Miss Wynona Ingersoll: an infant son, a brother and a sister. Services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Servies Funeral Home in Waynetown. Rev John R. Servies will officiate. Burial will be in Waynetown Masonic Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Tuesday.
Source: ???? Newspaper Jan 1965
Waynetown- Funeral services for Edwin E Ingersoll were held Wednesday afternoon at the Servies Funeral Home. Rev John R. Servies officiated. Organ music was played by Mrs. Mary Mullen who included requested selections, "Whispering Hope" and "Beyond the Sunset." Serving as pallbearers and assisting with the flowers were Lester Powell, Carroll Myers, Harry Hughes, Leo Thompson, Larry Sheaffer and Herbert Bruner. The burial was in the Waynetown Masonic Cemetery.
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Mon Jan 4, 1965 p 4
Crawfordsville – Edwin Elvis Ingersoll, 90 of 400 Dunn Ave died in Culver Hospital here at 6 p.m. Sunday after having been in failing health a year. A native of Fountain County, he was married at Alamo in 1894 to Nora M. Herron who died in 1943. He lived near Alamo most of his life and the last 10 years with a granddaughter, Mrs. Nora Meagher. He formerly was assessor and member of the advisory board in Ripley Township for a number of years. Surviving are two sons, Harold of Alamo and three daughters, Mrs. Lulu Miles of R 6, Crawfordsville, Mrs. June Bush of Rt 1, Waynetown and Mrs. Elsie Moore of Rt 2, Waynetown.