Hughes - Ernest R. "Pete"
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 12 September 1967 p7
Ernest R. "Pete" Hughes, 62, died Monday night at the Murray County Hospital at Murray, KY. For the past 9 years he had been serving as maanger of the D.M. Warren farms near New Concord, KY. Born April 6, 1905, at Russellville, he was the son of John N. and Mollie Irwin Hughes. He was married Jan 5, 1934 to Reba Maltsberger at Russellville. Earlier, he was graduated from Shortridge HS at Indianapolis. Survivors include the widow; two daughters, Mrs. Dale Outland, Rt 6, Murray and Mrs. Eddie Rowland of Evansville; two brothers, Lloyd Hughes of Orlando, Fla; and Otis Hughes of Flora and a granddaughter, Anglia Robin Rowland. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Servies Funeral Home in Waynetown with Rev. Ray Rhoda in charge. Burial will be in Waynetown Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 p.m. Wednesday. -- typed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 18 September 1967 p5
WAYNETOWN – Last rites were held for Ernest Hughes at the Servies Funeral Home with Rev. Raymond F. Rhoda of the Methodist Church in charge. Organ music was played by Mrs. Nellie Snyder and included “The Old Rugged Cross” and “In the Garden.” Serving as pallbearers were David and Paul Johnson, Marion, Jake and Dan Hughes and Dale Maltsberger. Burial was in the Waynetown Masonic Cemetery. -- typed by Chris M
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier 12 September 1967 p 6
Waynetown – Ernest R. “Pete” Hughes, 62, of Murray, Ky, died unexpectedly in the hospital at Murray at 11:05 p.m. Monday. Born at Russellville, he was married to Reba Maltsburger of Montgomery County in 1934 at Danville, Ill. He was graduated from Shortridge High School, Indianapolis, and for the past nine years was farm manager of the DM Warren Farm near New Concord, Ky. He attended the methodist Church in Murray. Surviving with the widow are two daughters, Mrs. Dale Outland of Rt 6, Murray and Mrs. Eddie Roland of Evansville and two brother, Lloyd of Orlando Fla and Otis of Flora. The body is being sent to Waynetown. – kbz