Hughes - Charles Ross

Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review 6 November 1955
Charles Ross HUGHES, 76, died SUnday at 6 a.m. Culver Hospital where he had been a patient 3 weeks after a lengthy illness. Born Feb 19, 1879 at Brook, he was the son of James E. and Nancy Ellis Hughes. On Dec 10, 1902, he married Alta E. SCHENCK at the bride's home SE of Waynetown. As a youth, he lived in the area NW of Alamo and farmed near that community upon his marr and until moving to the present home in Crawfordsville, at 1103 W. Market, in 1832. He retired in 1940. He was commander of Frank Britton Camp 16 United Spanish American War Vets at the time of his death and served in Co. M, 158th Indiana VOl. Inf in that conflict. He was a member of the Alamo Christian Church. Surviving are his wife, a son, Harry E, Rt. 1, Waynetown; a brother, Goerge W. of Waynetown and two grandchildren, Geraldine Hughes of Crawfordsville and Harry Jr., a student at Purdue. A daughter, Beatrice Nancy Hughes preceded him in death in 1934. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from Bright Funeral Home with Rev. John Servies assisted by Rev. Otis J. McMullen and Rev. Paul E. Million. Burial in Waynetown Masonic Cem. Friends may call at the funeral home. - kbz