Hornbeck - Hugh

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 6 Nov 1969 p 10 typed by Walt W
NEW RICHMOND — Army Capt. (ret.) Hugh Hornbeck, 59, former resident of New Richmond, died Tuesday evening at Odenton, Md. Capt. Hornbeck was suffering from a brain tumor, according to his physician. The deceased, who served 20 years in the Army before he was medically retired, was a veteran of European Theater combat operations during World War II. Entering the service in 1942, Hornbeck obtained his commission through training at the Ft. Knox, Ky., Officer Candidate School. He was subsequently assigned to the Armored branch in which he served during the war years. Capt. Hornbeck continued his military career after the war until he suffered a heart attack in 1962 while on duty in Japan. A native of the New Richmond community, he was the son of James and Zora Hornbeck. He graduated from New Richmond High School in 1929. Survivors include a daughter, Marilyn Hornbeck of Odenton; two sisters, Mrs. Ina Petry of Indianapolis and Mrs. Julia Merritt of Kokomo; and an uncle, Harry C. Magruder of Dunn, N.C. Services will be conducted Friday in Singleton Funeral Home at Glen Burnie, Md. Burial will be in Arlington National Cemetery.