Hixon - Theodore - CW
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 15 March 1895
Theodore L. Hixon died at his home in Wingate Friday evening at 7:30 o’clock from a complication of diseases. Mr. Hixon had been sick for some several weeks, but notwithstanding his illness his death was sudden and unexpected.
Mr. Hixon was born May 4th, 1837, died March 8th, 1895, aged 57 years, 8 months and 4 days. Mr. Hixon has been a resident of Coal Creek Township for more than 50 years, and was well known the township over as a model man. He was married to
Abigail Ochiltree, December 4th, 1859, and to this union was born one son and two daughters; the son died in infancy.
He united with the Christian Church in 1861 at the Ludlow Thomas school house and lived a faithful Christian until called to a better land. In August, 1862, when the cloud of war enveloped our land, and the separation of the Union was threatened, with a patriot’s love for country he enlisted in Co. B of the 72d Ind. Wilders’ Lightning Brigade, and bidding wife and baby good-bye with a fond embrace, marched to the front and was in several active engagements of that noted regiment. His soldier record like his Christian life was never marred by dishonorable word or act. Mr. Hixon leaves a wife and two daughters, Mrs. J. A. Long and Mrs. J. L. Bienz. . – thanks so very much to “S” for all the typing