Himes - Ernest - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Himes - Ernest

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 12 January 1900
 Little Ernest Himes, elder son of Media and Alice Himes, departed this life Jan. 5, 1900, aged four years, eight months and twenty six days.

The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Howard Keim, of Ladoga, Saturday afternoon at 1 o’clock. Interment was at Bethel Church. His disease was the much dreaded membraneous croup. He was sick only a few days, but our Heavenly Father, who cares for us all, had a higher and better work for his little hands to do, thus He called him away from earth to live with Him in heaven. This trial upon the parents is certainly great, by giving up a son whose childish qualities were full of all the promises hopeful parents could wish. To give up such children is full hope for the spirit world, but O, how sad and gloomy it leaves the dying objects of this, until nothing seems dear unless it has death, or God, or heaven ringing in it. Remember dear parents, that Jesus has said, “Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” -s

Source: Weekly Argus News 13 Jan 1900 p 9

Ernest, the oldest son of Mede Hines (note: HIMES) and wife was born April 9 1895 and died Jan 5, 1900 of membranous croup after an illness of not quite a week. His parents have the sympathy of the entire community. - kbz

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 12 Jan 1900 p 6

Ernest, the little son of Mede Himes and wife died of membraneous croup Friday and was buried Saturday at the Dunkard Church.  The family has the sympathy of the friends and neighbors. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Kime at the house.  “A black cold world twould be indeed If I but thought we’d never meet. This little child my heart would bleed, Until its pulses ceased to beat.”

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