Himes - Alice Graybill - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Himes - Alice Graybill

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 16 November 1900
Mrs. Alice Himes died at her home three miles west of Whitesville last Thursday morning, aged 28 years. She was sick only one day. She leaves one brother, one sister, a loving husband, two children, and a host of friends to mourn her loss. Her funeral was preached by Rev. Brown and she was laid to rest in the Harshbarger Cemetery.

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 16 November 1900

The last week has been an eventful one in the home of Mrs. Katherine Himes. One week ago last Thursday her doors were opened to receive her son, Perry, and his bride, her other sons with their families being present to join in the merry feast. But in one week from that day her son, George, was called upon to give his wife to death’s cold embrace. Thus in the space of one week one daughter was added to the family and another taken away. Such is life and such is death! Joy and sorrow forever walk hand in hand.

Alice May Graybill Himes was born Jan. 3, 1872, died Nov. 8, 1900, aged 28 years, 9 months, and 5 days. A husband and two little sons are left to mourn the loss of a devoted wife and mother.

She was a Rathbone sister of Dew Drop Temple, No. 89, New Market. Alice was a kind friend and neighbor and will be greatly missed in her community. Her illness lasted but eighteen hours, and she bore the intense suffering without a murmur. Our tears of true sorrow and sympathy are mingled with those of her family. Rev. Brown, of the Christian Church, conducted the funeral services at the home Saturday at 2 o’clock p.m., and amid the many beautiful floral offerings she was laid to rest in the Harshbarger Cemetery. - thanks so much to S for these

Source: Crawfordsville Daily News Review 9 Nov 1900 p 1

Mrs. Alice Himes, the wife of George Himes died Thursday morning at her home at New Market.  She was 28 years of age and the husband and two small children are left to mourn the loss of a devoted and loving wife and mother.  The funeral will be conducted at the family residence at 2 p.m. Saturday by Rev Brown of Greencastle. Interment at Harshbarger's cemetery.- kbz

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