Hill - Bessie Krut - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Hill - Bessie Krut

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 29 August 1944 p 3
Waynetown, Aug 28 - Mrs. Besse Hill, about 59, passed away at a Chicago Hospital Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock.  Her death was caused by complications, following an illness of several months.  She was the daughter of Henry and Jennie Krug, of Wingate.  She was a resident of Wingate until the time of her marriage to John L. Hill of Waynetown.  From that time on she had lived in Chicago, but had spent considerable time visiting with her brother, Charles Krug in Waynetown.  The survivors include two sons, John R. of Chicago, and Robert overseas, one daughter, Mrs. Katherine Carlsted of Chicago; one brother, Ross Krug of Rossville, Ill; and one sister, Mrs. Hurley Henry of Georgetown, Ill.  The body will arrive in Crawfordsville ...

Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier Tuesday 28 Aug 1944 p 8
Waynetown, Aug 28 - Mrs. Bess Krug Hill, 59, died in a Chicago Hospital at 9:30 a.m. today. She was a native of Wingate and married John S. Hill in Waynetown. Surviving are two sons: John P Hill, Chicago, Ill and Robert Hill, overseas; one daughter, Katherine Carlested, Chicago, one brother, Ross Krug, Rossville, Ill; a sister, Mrs. Hurley Henry, Georgetown, Ill.  The body will arrive in Crawfordsville at 2:55 p.m. Wednesday. Short services at 4 p.m. in the Masonic Cemetery, Waynetown. Grenard & Servies Funeral Home in charge. - kbz

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