Hershberger - Louis

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 9-Jul-1973 p 1
Louis M. Hershberger, 68, of 715 E. Market Street, president and director of Union Federal Savings & Loan died Sunday morning in Culver Hospital where he had been a patient for two weeks. He had been associated with Union Federal since 1933. He was past president of the state Savings & Loan League; past director of the United States Savings & Loan League; past director of Federal Home Loan Bank; charter member of the Montgomery County Board of Realtors; past treasurer of the State Homebuilders Association, charter member of the Crawfordsville Lions Club and a member of Christ United Methodist Church. He was also a member of Montgomery Lodge 50 F&AM, Scottish Rite; Shrine; past commander of Knights Templar; had been a DeMolay advisor; was a Boy Scout master for 11 years; was past district BS commissioner; was active in Junior Achievement and had been a member of Company E 151st Infantry of National Guards for several years. In 1971 Mr. Hershberger was appointed to the Insurance and Protective Committee of the US Savings & Loan League. He had also served on a 1962 Committee on Federal Sacings & Loan Insurance Corporation Law & Regularions. This appointment was made by the Executive Committee of the US Savings & Loan League. Mr. Hershberger was a 1923 graduate of CHS. He was born Sept 19, 1904, a son of Mark & Mirtle Chizum Hershberger. He married Catherine C. Coahran Oct 24, 1926. Survivors include the widow and three sons, Mark of Lafayette; Walter of Crawfordsville and Fred of Bloomington. He was preceded in death by a brother, the Rev. Glen Hershberger and two sisters, Mabel Gray and Vernice McBride. Services will be conducted at 10 a.m. Wednesday in Hunt & Son Funeral Home with Rev. Leland Brett and the Rev. Ben Hershberger officiating. Burial in Rockfield Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 2 p.m. Tuesday. - kbz