Herron - Joseph D.

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review, May 6, 1976
Joseph D. Herron, 56, formerly of Crawfordsville and a Dayton, Ohio, resident died Wednesday night in Culver Hospital. He was a graduate of Crawfordsville High School and in 1941 was graduated from Wabash College. He was a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity and had lived the past 12 years in Dayton. He was a salesman for the medical division of the Lippincott Publishing Co. He was a member of the Westminister Presbyterian Church of Dayton, Ohio. He served four years with the 557th Air Force Base Unit and two years in Africa. He was an organist and pianist. Born June 3, 1919, he was a son of Joseph C. and Mary Armantrout Herron of Crawfordsville. Survivors are two sisters, Mrs. Karl Mary Jeannette Dickerson of Crawfordsville and Mrs. Franklin Regina Allhands of New Richmond; a brother, Winton C. of Carmel; two nieces; and six nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents and a brother. Mr. Herron bequeathed his body to the Indiana University Medical School. Memorial services will be held at a later date. – jlr