Herron - Earl Franklin
Earl Franklin HERRON
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 3-Jun-1965
Earl Franklin Herron, 61, of Rt 4 was fatally stricken with a heart ailment Thursday evening while driving on RR DOnnelley & Sons Co truck on South Grant Avenue. He died in Culver Hospital at 7:15 p.m. about an hour after the seizure. Herron was born Feb 29, 1904, near Crawfordsville and was the son of Hedrick and Margaret Thompson Herron. He was married May 10, 1928 to Cora c. Coon. He had observed his 40th Anniversary of employment at Donnelley plant on Feb 2, 1965. He belonged to the Donnelley bowling team and Donnelley Club. He was a member of Liberty Chapel Church. The survivors include the wife; four daughters, Mrs. Ruby Ralston of Crawfordsville; Mrs. Norman Abston of Willard, Ohio; Mrs. Robert Rutledge of Mellott and Mrs. Kenneth Whipple of Logansport; three sons, William S. Herron of Greenfield, Charles and Jack Herron of Waynetown; 16 grandchildren; two brothers, Clarence and Lawrence Herron both of near Crawforedsville and a sister, Mrs. Jacob Bunnell of Wingate. He was preceded in death by his parents; a grandson, John A. Rudledge, two brothers, Paul and Vern Herron. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a.m. Monday at the Servies Funeral Home in Waynetown, with Rev. Guy E. Tremaine in charge. Burial in Waynetown Masonic Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 7 p.m. Saturday. -- kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 4 Jun 1965
WAYNETOWN — Earl Franklin Herron, 61, of Rt. 4, Crawfordsville, near Waynetown, was stricken with a fatal heart attack while driving a truck of the R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. on South Grant Avenue in Crawfordsville Thursday evening. He stopped the truck at the curb and a passerby saw that he was ill and called the police at 6:25 p.m. He was taken to Culver Hospital where he died at 7:15 p.m. Born near Crawfordsville, he was married to Cora C. Coon in Crawfordsville in 1928. He was a member of Liberty Chapel Church northeast of Waynetown and the Donnelley bowling team. Surviving with the widow are four daughters, Mrs. Ruby Ralston of Crawfordsville, Mrs. Norman Abston of Willard, Ohio, Mrs. Robert Rutledge of Mellott and Mrs. Kenneth Whipple of Logansport; three sons, William S. of Greenfield and Charles and Jack of Waynetown; two brothers, Lawrence and Clarence of Crawfordsville and a sister, Mrs. Jacob Bunnell of Wingate. --typed by Walt W