Hedges - Joseph

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review, January 18, 1969
Joseph Hedges, 45, CHS varsity basketball player a number of years ago, died Friday morning at a hospital in Alton, Ill. Mr. Hedge went into a diabetic coma and never recovered. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Emma Todd of 608 E. Jefferson St., Crawfordsville. The deceased was a partner in the Wood River Furniture Store in Alton. A veteran of World War II, he served in the European Theater. He was born on May 7, 1923, in Crawfordsville. His father, John W. Hedges is deceased. Other survivors include the widow, the former Lois Wiley of Rosedale; two sons, Kent and Kim; a daughter, Kelly; two brothers, a twin, John Hedges of Brownsburg, and Clay Hedges of Cleveland, Ohio, and a sister, Mrs. Hazel Tomlinson of Grand Rapids, Mich. Funeral services are Monday morning at Alton, with burial in Rosedale, Ind. - jlr