Henry - Abijah F.

Note: Abijah F. Henry was born Dec 20, 1835 and died March 29, 1898 from appendicitis. He graduated from Rush Medical College in 1866 and practiced in Waynetown, Alamo and Crawfordsville. Also for a short while, he was located in Winfield, Kansas. His mother was Nancy.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday 1 April 1898
Last Tuesday at his home in Alamo, Dr. Abijah F. Henry died of appendicitis. He was taken sick last Saturday and grew rapidly worse until death ended his sufferings. The body was brought here Wednesday and taken to the residence of J. A. McClure, on South Walnut Street, where the funeral occurred on Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock. The funeral was conducted under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge of Alamo, assisted by the lodge of this city.
Dr. Henry was the son of William Henry, one of the pioneer residents of Crawfordsville, and was born here on December 20, 1835. He grew to manhood here and deciding upon a physician’s life he entered Rush Medical College at Chicago where he was graduated in the class of 1866. He began practice at Alamo at once and continued to follow his profession there most of his career. He was located for a season at Winfield, Kan., and also at Wingate and Crawfordsville. In March, 1867, Dr. Henry was married to Miss Sue J. Nicholson, who died Feb. 2, 1881, leaving four children: Samuel T., Frank, Albert and Dora. Samuel is located in Indianapolis, Frank is in the U. S. Army and is located in Arizona, Albert resides here and Miss Dora is in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Dr. Henry was an able physician and was highly esteemed by a large practice as a successful doctor and a humane man. He was a most excellent citizen and his death is greatly to be deplored.
Dr. A. F. Henry was taken ill quite suddenly last Saturday morning at 3 o’clock at his rooms. He suffered terrible pain until death relieved him on Tuesday evening between the hours of 7 and 8 o’clock. The doctor was in Crawfordsville last Friday and brought his son, Albert, home with him for a visit, but it has proved to be a sad visit. Samuel Henry of Indianapolis came just a short time before his father’s death. His other two children, Frank now in the regular army, and daughter, Dora, could not reach their father’s bedside. D. C. Barnhill conveyed the remains to Crawfordsville where the funeral was conducted under the auspices of the Masons Thursday afternoon, after which he was laid to rest by the side of his wife in Oak Hill.
Dr. Henry was well and favorably known in this community, having begun the practice of his profession at this place when quite young. He was married to Miss Sue Nicholson, of Crawfordsville. While living here his practice was extensive and he soon accumulated a large amount of property. In time he moved to Kansas, but soon returned to this county and took up his residence in Crawfordsville, where he resided until his wife’s death a few years ago, when he came back to his old friends. He had made his home while here in the family of Wesley Clark, and the vacant chair will look lonely to the family.
In one respect he had been most unfortunate, and that was in having his limbs broken. At one time he had both arms broken, then his hip, and while living here he bruised his foot, necessitating the amputation of that member above the ankle. He was always cheerful under adverse circumstances. His children have the deep sympathy of the entire community.
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, Mar. 30, 1898
He Passed Away at Alamo Last Evening After a Short and Painful Illness
-Sketch of His Life
Last evening at his home in Alamo, DR. ABIJAH F. HENRY died of appendicitis. He was taken sick last Saturday and grew rapidly worse until death ended his sufferings. The body was brought here this afternoon and taken to the residence of A. J. McClure on south Walnut street, where the funeral will occur tomorrow afternoon at 1:20 o'clock. The funeral will be conducted under the auspices of the Masonic lodge of Alamo, assisted by the lodge of this city.
Dr. Henry was the son of William Henry, one of the pioneer residents of Crawfordsville, and was born here on December 20, 1835. He grew to manhood here and, deciding on a physician's life, he entered Rush Medical College at Chicago, where he graduated in the class of 1866. He began practice at Alamo at once and continued to follow his profession there for most of his career. He was located for a season at Winfield, Kansas, and also at Wingate and Crawfordsville. In March 1867 Dr. Henry was married to Miss Sue J. Nicholson, who died February 2, 1881, leaving four children: Samuel T., Frank, Albert and Dora. Samuel is located in Indianapolis, Frank is in the U. S. Army and is located in Arizona, Albert resides here and Miss Dora is in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Dr. Henry was an able physician and was highly esteemed by a large practice as a successful doctor and a humane man. He was a most excellent citizen and his death is greatly to be deplored. He was also a devout Republican.
Transcribed by:HWLOBO@aol.com 3-26-2002