Hawley - John - KIA VIetnam
Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review 14 April 1967 p 1
Funeral services for Marine John Hawley, killed in Vietnam will be held at 1:30 p.m. Saday at the First Bible Presbyterian Church, 51st Street and Central Avenue, Indianapolis. Burial will be in the Ladoga Cemetery. Graveside services will be conducted at the cemetery about 3:30 p.m. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hawley will receive friends at Shirley Brother Irving Hill Chapel, 5377 E. Washington St, Indianapolis after 7 p.m. Thursday and all day and evening on Friday. The family announced that they would receive their Ladoga friends at their new home in Ladoga, following the funeral. They plan to move there in the near future. The young marine was reportedly killed while on a helicopter mission in Vietnam. = kbz - Rest In Peace, John