Harvey - Lloyd William
HARVEY, Lloyd William

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 4 December 1947
-- Lloyd William, the sixth child of Kelso and Beulah Lindley Harvey, was born May 5, 1924 on the farm North of Yeddo, where he grew to manhood. At the tender age of nine years, Lloyd's father met death trucking stock to market, leaving all the responsibilities of the home on the shoulders of a brave wife and mother. He received his education in the Kingman schools. He with many of his boy friends heeded his nations call and spent 3 1/2 years in the US Navy. Soon after his discharge from service he found employment at the Fountain Foundry, where he continued to toil. On June 26, 1946 he was united in marriage to Miss Edith Johnson of Coal Bluff, Ind. He was a member of the Charles Forrest Post No. 288. Lloyd was known in his home and among his friends as a free and kindhearted boy. One of the greater joys of his life was the fellowship of his 3 nephews, Richard & Delbert Rodgers and Larry Robbins. He was preceeded in death by his father and two brothers, Gerald B and Lester Lee. He leaves to mourn his death the wife, mother, one brother, Herman of Albuqquerque, NM two sisters, Mrs. Orvena Rodgers of Wallace, and Mrs. Wandalene Robbins, of Veedersburg, besides a host of other relatives and friends. - kbz