Harmon - Russell
Russell Harmon

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 2 March 1984
Russell Harmon, 82, former Crawfordsville resident died at 3:30 p.m. Thursday in St. Elizabeth Hospital, Danville, Ill. He had been a resident of Covington Manor Nursing Home for 1 1/2 years and prior to that had lived in Crawfordsville. He had been employed by Crane Cigar Store many years. He was a veteran of WWII and attended Wingate HS. He was born 20 July 1901, near Elmdale a son of Charles and Rachel Fitzgerald Harmon. Surviving are a brother, Millard of Port St. Lucy, FL; a sister, Mrs. Zelma Ark of Westville, Ill; two nieces, Mrs. Martha Howard of Oak Park, Ill; and Mrs. Alice Johns of Peoria, Ill; two nephews, Charles Ark of Crawfordsville and Myron Harmon of Spencer. A brother, Bloomer is deceased. Arrangements are incomplete at Thomas Funeral Home at Waynetown.
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