Harlow - Martha Ball
[photo below is she and her husband)

Source: Crawfordsville Journal, Wednesday May 18, 1910
The news that Mrs. Martha J. Harlow is dead will not be surprising to her many friends who have been aware for several weeks of her condition. She has been frail physically for several years and for the past two months has been rapidly failing. No particular disease had its grip on her. It was simply a weakening of the bodily powers. he end came Tuesday evening at 7:15 at the home of her son, Fred D. Harlow, 906 West Pike Street, where she had been living for some time. The funeral will occur at the same place Thursday afternoon at 2:00, conducted by her pastor J. F. Rake, and the interment will be at the Wesley Cemetery beside the grave of her late husband Jeremiah Harlow, who died in July 1907. Mrs. Harlow was born in this County on February 3, 1838, near Elmdale, her parents being Mr. & Mrs Nathan Ball. Her father ran a tannery in the early days at Elmdale. On October 20, 1857, she was married to Jeremiah Harlow and they moved into a log cabin near Wesley. Some years later they moved to another farm in thesame neighborhood, and there they lived and brought up their family until eight years ago, when they came to Crawfordsville to make it their home. During their long life in the country they were members of the old Bethel Church of the Baptist denomination and were extremely active in its affairs. Since removing to this city, Mrs. Harlow has been a member of the First Baptist Church. Mrs. Harlow leaves five children, Nathan G. Harlow of Covington, Willard D. Harlow of Englewood, Oliver A. Harlow of Indianapolis, Mrs. Bertha J. Bitler, of Elwood, and Fred D. Harlow of this city. One daughter, Mrs. Clara Utterback, is deceased. She also has two brothers, Oliver Ball of Decatur, Ill., and Dennis Ball of Bement, Ill. All the children were here at the time of her death and the two brothers are expected to attend the funeral.
Source: Crawfordsville Journal, 5-19-1910, p. 4
The funeral of the late Mrs. Martha Harlow occurred this afternoon at two o'clock at the residence of her son, Fred Harlow, on west Pike street. Rev. J. F. Rake conducted the services and was assisted by a quartet of ladies, Miss Ethel Warner, Miss Lala Smith, Miss Mabel Jordan, and Mrs. J. F. Rake. They sang, "Lead Thou Me On" and "Home at Last" and Mrs. Rake sang a solo entitled "O'er the Silent Sea." At the grave the quartet sang "Sleep Thy Last Sleep." The pall bearers were the four sons, Willard, Nathan, Oliver, and Fred, and the two brothers, Oliver Ball of Decatur, Ill., and Dennis Ball of Bement, Ill. In addition to these persons, present from a distance were Mrs. Nathan Harlow and daughter of Covington, Mrs. Oliver Harlow and daughter of Indianapolis, Mrs. Bertha Bitler of Elwood, Miss Ball of Decatur, and Mrs. Lydia Stonebraker of Veedersburg.