HARDESTY, Robert "Joe"

Robert (Joe) Hardesty 

Source: Crawfordsville Journal- Review 5 Jan 1967 p 1
Funeral services for Army Spec 4 Robert (Joe) Hardesty, 19, former Crawfordsville resident who was killed in action in Vietnam Dec 27 will be conducted at 1:30 pm. Monday at Solar-Baker Funeral Home, West Chapel in West Lafayette. Burial will be in Granview Cemetery. The family had lived in the Darlington area and in Crawfordsville before moving to Lafayette in 1956. Hardesty was born March 10, 1947. Surviving are the mother, Mrs. Margaret (Margo) Hardesty Rt 1, Lafayette; three brothers, RObert Lee Corwin of Huron Ohio; Marine Sgt Floyd Raymond Hardesty now stationed at Glenview Ill following service in Vietnam and Robert Wayne Hardesty at home; and two sisters, Mrs. Robert Brown of Rt 1, Romney and Mrs Kenneth Price of Waynetown. Friends may call at the funeral home after 3:30 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Funeral services for Army Spec 4 Robert J. Hardesty will be conducted at 1:30 p.m. Monday at the Sollar-Baker Funeral home, West Chapel at West Lafayette. Interment will be in Granview Cemetery. Friends may pay their respects at the funeral home after 3 p.m. Sunday. Spec 4 Hardesty was killed in Vietnam on Dec 27th. Survivors listed in a previous story should have included a brother, John Wayne Hardesty; and a sister, Mrs. Robert Brann of Rt 1, Romney - kbz