Hankins - Carl A.

Source (Feb 23, 1966) Crawordsville Journal Review
Carl A. (Cobb) Hankins, 61, clerk of the Montgomery Circuit Court, died at Culver Hospital at 10:25 a.m. Wednesday after a series of heart attacks. Hanks was first stricken Tuesday afternoon while waking form his office in the courthouse to the License Branch a half-block away. He recovered sufficiently to return to his office but later went to the office of a local physician and then drove to his home in Waynetown. He had a more severe attack about 11 p.m. and was brought to Culver Hospital by ambulance. Hankins had served as county clerk since Dec 10, 1964 when he was appointed by Gov. Matthew Welsh to succeed E. William Show, who had died the previous day. Shaw was nearing the end of the fourth year of his first term as clerk and had been reelected to another four-year-term only a month previously. Prior to being named clerk, Hankins had been supervisor of driving examiners for the 6th District, with jurisdiction over examiners in all 10 counties in the area. He was long active in Democratic politics and served as a precinct committeeman for more than 17 years. A native of Veedersburg, he was born May 29, 1904. He was married to Helen Florey Aug 18, 1920. Hankins had been a resident of Waynetown for 44 years. He was in the shoe repair business most of his life and had his own shop in Waynetown for more than 30 years. He was employed at the Tilney Shoe Shop in Crawfordsville for 11 years. Mr. Hankins was a member of the Waynetown Christian Church and at one time was an active member of the Waynetown Merchants Association. The survivors include the widow; his parents, Sam and Alice Hankins, who reside at the Small Rest Home in Waynetown; a daughter, Mrs. Noel Pritchard of Jackson, Miss; three grandchildren, two great grandchildren and a brother, Dale Hankins of Frankfort. Funeral services are set for 2 p.m. Saturday at the Servies Funeral Home in Waynetown, where friends may call after 7 p.m. Thursday. Rev. Morris Finch Jr. will officiate and burial will be in Waynetown Masonic Cemetery. - thanks to Chris for typing this one :)