Hamilton - Charles - 1935 - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Hamilton - Charles - 1935

Source: Journal and Courier, Thu, Aug 22, 1935 ·Page 15

Crawfordsville, Aug 12 - Charles Hamilton, 13 years old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton, of Frankfort, committed suicide at 10:30 o’clock this morning by hanging from a rafter in a barn belonging to his uncles, Abner and Beecher Hampton, near Bowers Station.

Beecher Hampton, who found the body, told authorities he had gone to the Bowers store some distance away and upon his return found the boy hanging in the barn. He said the youth had been in good health and the uncle was unable to offer no explanation for the unnatural act.
Young Hamilton took his life by climbing into a flat topped wagon bed, tying the rope around his neck, throwing it over a rafter, and then jumping off the wagon.

Earlier this morning, his uncle said, the boy had arisen and been around the farm quite as usual. Nothing had occurred to indicate any intention of committing suicide. Coroner Charles Riley, of Montgomery county, was called and made an investigation. He said a boyish experiment probably led to the youth’s death.

The boy is survived by his parents, one brother, and two sisters. The funeral will be held at Frankfort, Friday afternoon; Burial in Johnson cemetery near Stockwell – thanks so much to Lena

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