HAM, Jonathan

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 6 Sept 1901 p 5
Alamo news - Jonathan Ham, one of the veterans of this place, died at the residence of his brother, Henry Ham last Wednesday of a linger and painful disease of the stomach and nerves. At the beginning of the Civil War he enlisted in the 11th Indiana zouave regiment, Col. Lew Wallace commanding. He was in several engagements with the enemy, among them the seige of Vicksburg and at Ft. Donnelson wher ehe suffered greatly from exposure to the elements. At the reunion Thursday there was one more vacant place. One by one they are passing away. Don's (sic) death occurred in his 63rd year. He leaves two brothers and two sisters, Henry Ham of this place, Mrs. Fannie Caldwell of Crawfordsville, Mrs. Lena Bolser of Trenton, Mo; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ham sincerely thank the people for the respect and kindness shown them during the sickness of their brother. Also extend thanks to Mrs. Oma Michael and Miss Hazel Smith for the beautiful flowers furnished. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 23 August 1901
Jonathan Ham, of Ripley Township, has been adjudged insane and will be committed to the asylum at once