Gronert - Theodore
Theodore G. GRONERT
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review? Feb 3, 1966
Dr. Theodore G. Gronert, 79 retired chairman of the Wabash College History Department and former basketball coach died yesterday in Culver Hospital. He was author of several books, including Sugar Creek Saga, a pioneer history of Crawfordsville and Montgomery County, Studies in Citizenship and Pioneer Sketcher. He was co-author of Wabash College: The First 100 Years. Dr. Gronert was an authority on American history and history of modern Russia. He also had an early interest in athletics and at one tim eplayed semi-professional baseball. For several years. Dr. Gronert coached the Wabash College tennis team. He joined the Wabash faculty in 1924. He retired in 1956. He was born at Prairie du Chien, Wis. He entered the University of Wisconsin at the age of 16 and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1908. He later received a Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy from the same university. Dr. Gronert became basketball coach and head of the history department at centre College at Danville, Ky after he recieved his doctor's degree in 1919. His players included such famous persons as United States Senator John Sherman Cooper of Ky; the late Alvin (Bo) McMillion, ALl-American quarterback at Centre College and later head football coach at Indiana University; and Matty Bell, head football coach and athletic director at Southern Methodist University for many years. A veteran of WWI, Dr. Gronert was a former commander of Byron Cox American Legion Post (Crawfordsville). He was a member of the Kiwanis Club and Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church. He also had been chairman of the Pioneer Committee of the Indiana HIstorical Society. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Wabash College Chapel. Burial will bein Masonic Cemetery. Friends may call at Hunt & Son Funeral Home after 1 p.m. today. Survivors include a brother, Lawrence Gronert of West Allis, Wis.
Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review Feb 3, 1966
Dr. Theodore G. Gronert, 79, retired head of the history department at Wabash College died at Culver Hospital at 2:45 p.m. Thursday. He had been a patient there since Dec 6. For nearly two decades, Dr. Gronert had written a column for The Journal-Review, dealing principally with Montgomery County history. He also was the author of several books and innumerable articles published in magazines and pamphlets. Early in his career, Dr. Gronert had been an athletic coach and retained his deep interest in sports throughout his life. Joining the Wabash College faculty in September 1924, Dr. Gronert served as history professor and head of the department until his retirement in 1956. Since then he had been designated as professor of history, emeritus. For several years he coached the Little Giant tennis teams. He became an integral part of the community almost from the first day of his residence here and took an active role in a wide range of civic endeavors. He was an authority on American history and the history of modern Russia. Dr. Gronert was author of History of American Business Corporations; Studies in Citizenship; Pioneer Sketches and Sugar Creek Saga, a pioneer history of Montgomery County and was co-author of Wabash College: The First Hundred Years. His interest in area history also was manifested in his activity as trustee of the Montgomery County Historical Society, a member of the Ben Hur Study board and county historian for the Montgomery County Historical Society. He was one of the organizers and the guiding light of the Crawfordsville Civil War Roundtable, a group devoted to the study and discussion of the war between the states. For four decades he was much in demand as a speaker for special ceremonies, before service clubs, at teacher conferences and for meetings of historical organizations. Dr. Gronert was born July 28, 1886 at Prairie du Chien, Wis. While still in grade school he developed an interest in history that stayed with him throughout his life. He also acquired an early interest in athletics and at one time played semi-pro baseball, despite a physician’s warming that he had a heart ailment and should not do strenuous exercise. He also played basketball, football and tennis. At the age of 16 he entered the University of Wisconsin, receiving his bachelor of arts degree in 1908. He later received his master of arts degree in 1915 and his doctor of philosophy degree in 1919, both from the same school. His first teaching job was at Beaver Dam HS in Wisconsin, where he became the youngest school principal in the state. He also served as coach of the girls basketball team. After receiving his PhD degree, Dr. Gronert went to Centre College, Danville, KY, where he became head of the history department and basketball coach. His players included such famous persons as US Sen John Sherman Cooper, R-Ky; the late Alvin (Bo) McMillin, all-American quarterback at Centre and later head football coach at IU and Matty Bell, for many years head football coach and athletic director of Southern Methodist University. From 1919 to 1922, he was head of the department of social sciences at Texas State College for Women and from 1922-1924 was associate professor of history at the University of Arkansas. While at Arkansas, one of his pupils both in the classroom and on the tennis courts was J. William Fulbright, now one of the US Senators from Arkansas. During WWI he was commissioned a Lt. in the US Army. Since the war, he had been active in veterans affairs and is a former commander of Byron Cox No 72, American Legion. Dr. Gronert was a member of the Wabash Avenue Presbyterian Church of which he had been an elder for many years. While at Centre College, he met and married Hazel Dessery, who was a music teacher in the school. Mrs. Gronert, widely known as a violinist and composter, died in 1959. Since then, Dr. Gronert had lived alone at 308 Kennedy Place on the south side of the city. A member of the Crawfordsville Kiwanis Club for many year, Dr. Gronert served as president of the organization in 1959. In recognition of his many years of service to Wabash College, Dr. Gronert was made an “honorary alumnus” several years ago. He also was honored by numerous organizations. He was a member of Phi Gamma Mu; Phi Eta, the American Historical Society, the Indiana History Society and the Missouri Valley Historical Association. He served on the Montgomery County Committee for the observance of the centennial of the Civil War and was chairman of the committee in charge of the Ben Hur Day observance here several years ago when the film based on the famous novel was being released. From 1936 – 1940 he was chairman of the Pioneer Committee of the Indiana Historical Society. One of Dr. Gronert’s hobbies was gardening. Possessed of a “green thumb,” he raised vegetables and fruits not only for his own use but also for his neighbors and friends. The only immediate survivor is a brother, Lawrence Gronert of West Allis, Wis. He also has several nieces and nephews. Funeral services are announced for 2 p.m. Saturday at the Wabash College Chapel with Dr. Harry Cotton of the college philosophy department officiating. Interment will be in Masonic Cemetery. Friends may call at Hunt & Son Funeral Home after 1 p.m. Friday. The body will lie in state at the chapel on the campus from 12 noon Saturday until the services. It has been requested that in lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the book fund at the College’s Lilly Library or at the Crawfordsville Public Library. - kbz
File Created: 23 May 2010