Gray - Zola
Source: Weekly Argus News Nov 11, 1899 p 5
“Potato Creek News” – Thomas Gray’s only child, Zola, died Saturday with diphtheria and was interred at Darlington. She was a sweet child, loved by everybody and will be greatly missed. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved parents. - kbz
Source: Weekly Argus News Nov 11, 1899 p 5
“Darlington News” – The 12-year-old daughter of Thos. Gray was buried in the IOOF cemetery Sunday. Her mother was buried just last week. Both died from diptheria. - kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 10 November 1899
The twelve year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gray, their only child, died of diphtheria last Saturday at their home in the Potato Creek neighborhood. The dread disease is raging there and there are six or seven bad cases of it reported.
(*Zola F. Gray)
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 10 November 1899
Death to us is sad under any circumstances, but if possible, the saddest of all sad deaths come to those with but one child, and that taken from them by some malignant disease, such as scarlet fever, or as in the case of Thomas Gray, or Graham, diphtheria. Neighbors and friends shudder at the thought of going to the assistance and scarcely enough ventures, to care for the dead or dying. No funeral services can be held and the burial must take place as soon as practicable and every precaution taken to hold the disease in check, regardless of the feelings of friends. This to us is the saddest.
Source: Weekly
Argus News 11 Nov 1899 p c3
“Potato Creek News” -- Thomas Gray’s only child, Zola died Saturday with diphtheria and was interred at Darlington. She was a sweet child, loved by everybody and will be greatly missed. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved parents.
Source: Weekly Argus News 11 Nov 1899 p c2
“Darlington News” – the 12 year old daughter of Thos. Gray was buried in the IOOF cemetery Sunday. Her mother was buried just last week. Both died from diphtheria.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 10 November 1899
Died last Saturday, Zola Gray, aged 11 years. Her remains were laid to rest in the Odd Fellows’ Cemetery at Darlington. She was the only child of Thomas and Venie Gray, and was a sweet, good child. She will be greatly missed by her teacher, schoolmates, relatives and friends. Her parents are heart broken and we extend to them our heartfelt sympathy. -s
Thanks to findagrave for this great photo :)