Geiger - Hatttie - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Geiger - Hatttie

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 3 November 1899

The angel of death has again been in our midst and taken from us a loved one. Hattie Jane, wife of Milton Geiger, died Friday morning, Oct. 27, 1899, after a brief illness. She was born Nov. 1, 1867, and was married to Milton Geiger, Dec. 25, 1889. To this union was born four children, one son and three daughters, the babe only ten days old. She united with the United Brethren Church in 1894, and has lived a consistent member to the end. Everyone who knew her loved her. She was of a kind and loving disposition. She leaves a father, mother, husband, four children, four brothers and four sisters, with a host of relatives and friends, who mourn their loss.

The family has the sympathy of this community in their sad bereavement. The funeral discourse was preached at White Church Sunday at 11 o’clock a.m. by Eld. D. C. Campbell to a very large congregation. Interment was at the Union Cemetery. -s

Source: Weekly Argus News 4 Nov 1899 p 5

Hattie Jane Geiger, nee Peterson, wife of Milton Geiger died Friday Oct 27th. Her funeral took place at White Church Oct 29th. Rev. DC Campbell officiating. She was born Nov 1st 1867 and was married to Milton Geiger Dec 25, 1889. To this union were born four children, one son and three daughters. She leaves father, mother, four brothers and four sisters, a host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss.  She united with the Brethren Church five years ago and lived a consistent Christian life. – kbz

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