Fullenwider - William Glenn

Source: Tri-County News, Sept 7, 1961
Word has been received in Waveland of the death on Aug 24 of William Glenn FULLENWIDER of Longview, Washington. Mr. Fullenwider, son of Henry C. and Lorena Fullenwider was born near Waveland March 22, 1887 and was a graduate of Waveland HS. He was also a graduate of the Biltmore Forestry School and after service in WWI was with the Weyerhauser Timber Company as Safety Engineer in Woods Operation for 38 years, retiring in 1954. He had been a member of Waveland Lodge NO 300 F & AM for over 50 years and also a member of Longview Chapter Royal Arch Masons; Montesono Post of the American Legion and Longview Community Church. In 1917, he was married to Edith McCampbell also formerly of Waveland. He is survived by her and a son WG Fullenwider, Jr and one granddaughter, Lynn Fullenwider of Fairfield, Calif; also one brother, H. Newton Fullenwider of Waveland. Services were held in Longview with burial in Willamette, National Cemetery, Portland Oregon. - kbz