Fraley - Samuel

Source: Crawfordsville Review June 19, 1917 p 8
"Linden" News -- The many friends of Mr. Samuel Fraley were very sorry indeed to learn of his death which occurred at his home near Crawfordsville last week. They have many dear friends in Linden, who wish to extend their sympathy - typed by kbz
Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal 13 June 1917 p 4
Samuel Fraley, well known farmer and veteran of the Civil War, died at his home, 3 miles north of the city at 1 o'clock this afternoon after an illness of several months duration. Mr. Fraley, who was about 70 years old underwent an operation a year ago and had been confined to his home since that time. Mr. Fraley was born in this county near Linden. At the age of 9 years he went to Illinois with ihis parents. When the Civil War broke out he enlisted and saw active service. After the war he returned to this county and the remainder of his life was spent here.
He is survived by his wife, Mary and four children: Adda at home and Roy of Palestine, Ill; Mrs. SB West of Washington and Frank Fraley of Nebraska, the latter two are children by a former marriage. He also leaves two brothers, Charles of Nebraks and John of Iowa and one sister, Louise in California. Funeral arrangements have not been completed - kbz