FOSTER, Robert Martin (Dr)

Source: Waveland Independent, Jan 2, 1920
Dr. Robert Foster of Russellville who was taken to Culver Hospital December 20 to be operated on for appendicitis, died in that institution Monday morning. The case was considered hopeless from the start. Funeral services were held on Wednesday morning at the Russellville Christian Church. Dr. Foster was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Foster of this place and was born April 3, 1871. He taught school for a number of years, and then, after graduating from the Ky. School of Medicine at Louisville, took up the practice of medicine at Russellville. He was a successful physician and a good citizen. He was a member of the IOOF & Masonic lodges and Christian Church. He is survived by his wife, Gertrude Patton Foster, and one son, Ruel. There are his father, two brothers; John of Crawfordsville and Charles of Lincoln, Ill; two half brothers, Lee Foster and Jeff Davis, and one half sister, Mima Foster.
Source: Crawfordsville Review Dec 30, 1919
Dr. Robert Foster, a well known physician and surgeon of Russellville, died yesterday morning at Culver Union Hospital at 6 o'clock at the close of two weeks of suffering from peritonitis and appendicitis. His death followed an operation two weeks ago Sunday at Culver. The Dr. was born near Browns Valley, April 3, 1871 the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foster. When quite a young man he entered the teaching profession in which he continued for 10 years, being recognized as one of the leading instructors of this county; his employment during this time being in the northern part of Montgomery. After following teaching for a time he entered the Ky. School of Medicine from which he graduated. He began the practice of medicine at Russellville and stayed there until the time of his last illness making in all about 16 years. He belonged to the Masonic and Odd Fellows' Lodges and was an active member of the Russellville Christian Church. His attractive personality attached him to every one he met and he endeared himself to his friends and patients through his kindliness toward one and all. The survivors are his wife, who was Miss Gertrude Patton before her marriage and one son, Ruel Foster. He is also survived by his father, two brothers, John of this city, and Charles of Lincoln, Ill two half brothers, Lee Foster and Jeff Davis of near Browns Valley and one half sister, Mima Foster of Imperial, California. The body was prepared for burial at the Proffitt undertaking parlors and taken by them Monday afternoon to Russellville. Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock the funeral services will be held at the Russellville Christian Church of which he was a parishioner. The services will be conducted by the Rev. Wm. D. Headrick. Oak Hill cemetery will be the scene of the burial. Dr. Foster's death is an element in one of the strangest coincidences ever recorded in this county. Mr. Joe Prewitt and Mr. John Foster, as sheriff and deputy sheriff of the county have been associated with each other in the sheriff's office during the whole of the term which expires Wednesday. Just at the close of their administration each suffers the loss of a brother through death; Frank Prewitt, brother of Joe Prewitt, died early Saturday morning and Dr. Robert Foster, brother of John Foster, died yesterday morning. And to make the coincidence more remarkable each brother died in a hospital as the result of an operation. --- kbz