Foreman - Henry C

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal, April 2, 1924
Henry C. Foreman, well known blacksmith of this city, died at his home, 703 Illinois street, Tuesday night at 10:10 o'clock following a complication of diseases. Mr. Foreman who had been engaged in the blacksmith business here for 47 years was very widely known. He was born July 10, 1844, at Aurora, Ind., the son of Samuel and Jane Foreman. On September 28, 1878, Mr. Foreman was united in marriage with Miss Belle Benbow. He is survived by his wife and three daughters, Mrs. Emma Frier of Bainbridge, Mrs. Clyde Pickell of Yountsville and Elsie at home. Three sons, Frank and George of this city and Guy of Michigan City also survive. Two children preceded Mr. Foreman in death. The funeral services will be conducted from the late home Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and will be in charge of the Rev. W.W. Roberts. Burial will be made in Oak Hill cemetery. Mr. Foreman was a veteran of the civil war and had a fine record as a member of Company G with the 123rd Indiana.- thanks to Kim H