Fisher - Noel Leon

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 26 Dec 1967 p 1 typed by Walt W
A Crawfordsville airman lost his life when a sudden storm capsized a small fishing boat in Tampa Bay during the holiday weekend, according to a message received here Christmas Day by his parents. Sgt. N. Leon Fisher, 24, a four and one-half year veteran of the U.S. Air Force, was the victim of the high winds preceding a cold front moving into the Florida area late Friday. He and a companion, Sgt. Lance H. Ritchison, 23, of Clearwater, Fla., had gone fishing during the day. Ritchison told rescuers they had tried to stay together when their boat capsized and that he had reached the overturned boat and clung to it. His friend was lost in the storm. Their plight was unknown until a motorist at 1:30 a.m. Saturday saw a light flashing an "SOS" from out in the bay and notified authorities. A U.S. Coast Guard boat and helicopter from nearby St. Petersburg began a search. Ritchison was rescued at 8 a.m. after clinging to the boat all night. The rescue was made about 150 yards offshore. Fisher's body had not been recovered Tuesday morning. A message to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fisher of 1002 Tuttle Ave., formerly of Rt. 4, had reported their son missing. Another message from Col. William M. Wilson, commanding the Air Force special training group of which Sgt. Fisher was a member at McDill AFB, Fla., was delivered to the parents Monday: "Reference is made to my message concerning the missing status of your son, Sgt. Noel L. Fisher. It is with deep regret that I must inform you of the death of your son. After receiving all search reports I have determined that he could not possibly have survived. At this time his remains have not been recovered. His squadron commander will write you a letter concerning all known circumstances. Please accept my sincere regrets." Sgt. Fisher was born Dec. 23, 1943, at McClery, Wash. He moved to the Crawfordsville community with his parents in 1951, and was graduated from Mt. Zion School. He was graduated in June, 1962, from Crawfordsville High School, where he was active in the Palettiers Art Club. He held several offices in the club and received several awards for his work. He worked at the Merit Shoe Store for about 10 months before joining the U.S. Air Force in April, 1963. Sgt. Fisher had re-enlisted in the Air Force and was permanently based at McDill AFB. During his earlier service, he was overseas in Turkey, Africa and the Dominican Republic, but had been back in the United States for a year and a half. He was married Oct. 31, 1966, to Judy Steelman at Camden, Ark. She was residing at the home of her parents there and her husband was to have joined her on Christmas Day. Other members of the family are three brothers, Lyle Fisher of Indianapolis, Wayne Fisher of Crawfordsville, and Larry Fisher of Natchitoches, La. The parents operate the Highway Grill at the south edge of the city on South Boulevard. Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 3 Jan 1968 p 1 typed by Walt W Military services for Sgt. N. Leon Fisher, drowned Dec. 22 during a storm that came up suddenly while he was fishing in Tampa Bay, have been set here for 2 p.m. Friday at Hunt and Son Funeral Home. Airmen from Bunker Hill AFB near Peru will participate in the rites for Sgt. Fisher, an Air Force veteran of four and a half years' service. Burial will be in Oak Hill Cemetery.
Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review Saturdsy 6 Jan 1968
Funeral seravices for Sgt. Noel Leon Fisher were held Friday afternoon at Hunt & Son Funeral Home with Lt. Clayton Kennedy, chaplain from Bunker Hill AFB, officiating. Burial was in Oak Hill Cemetery. Serving as pallbearers and officiating at graveside military services were airmen from Bunker HIll. Selections were played on the organ by Iva Reynolds. Sgt. Fisher, attached to MacDill AFB, Fla lost his life Dec 23 in a boating accident during a storm in Tampa Bay.