Fenters - Clement Raymond

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review 14 Jun 1954 p 1 typed by Walt W
WINGATE — C. Raymond (Snowy) Fenters, 63, prominent as a semi-pro football player a third of a century ago, died suddenly at 9 p.m. Saturday while attending an ice cream supper at Coal Creek Central School. In recent years, Mr. Fenters had been an automobile salesman and farmer. He lived four miles southwest of Wingate. Mr. Fenters had just been served some ice cream at the party sponsored by the 4-H Boosters when he suddenly turned purple and slumped to the ground. He died almost instantly. Death was pronounced due to a coronary occlusion. When the famous Pine Village semi-pro football team was organized more than a third of a century ago, Mr. Fenters was one of the stars. The team was considered tops in the days when many Indiana towns and cities had semi-pro teams. He also attended Terre Haute Normal School, now known as Indiana State Teachers College. During World War I, Mr. Fenters served for 18 months in Europe. He was a member of American Legion Post 170 of Wingate. He also belonged to Masonic Lodge 315 of Wingate and to the Pine Village Christian Church, although he attended the Methodist Church here. Born March 1, 1891, at Pine Village, he was the son of Ira and Jane Brier Fenters. He was married Feb. 28, 1920, at Crawfordsville to Inez Palin of Wingate. The survivors include the wife; a son, James R. Fenters of Wingate; a daughter, Mrs. William Barnett of Anchorage, Alaska, who is flying back to the States with her family; two brothers, Roy Fenters of Covington, judge of the Fountain Circuit Court, and Eli Fenters of Pine Village, and a sister, Mrs. Lucy Wagner of Williamsport. Funeral, services will be held at the Wingate Methodist Church at 2 p.m. Tuesday, with the Rev. H. L. McBride in charge. The body will lie in state at the church for an hour preceding the service. Burial will be in the Greenlawn Cemetery at Wingate. Friends may pay their respects at the home after 2 p.m. Monday.
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier 14 June 1954 p 8 c4
Waynetown -- CR (Snowy) Fenters, 63, died unexpectedly of a heart attack Saturday night while attending an ice cream social at the Coal Creek Township school. Born in Pine Village, he graduated from Terre Haute Normal College and in 1920, married Inez Palin. For several years he played professional football for Pine Village. At the time of his death he was employed as a salesman for the Pittman Ford Garage at Hillsboro. He was a member of Christian Church and Masonic Lodge at Pine Village, the American Legion Post NO 174 at Wingate and was a veteran of WWI. Surviving besides the widow are a son, James R. of Wingate; a daughter, Mrs. William Barnett of Anchorage, Alaska; two brothers, Judge Roy C. Fenters of Covington and Eli of Pine Village and a sister, Mrs. Lucy Wagner of Williamsport. - kbz
Source: Same Lafayette Journal and Courier 14 June 1954 p 8 c1
Fenters, CR (Snowy) – Friends may call at the family residence, Waynetown Rt 2 after 2 p.m. Monday. Services 2 p.m. Tuesday in Methodist Church, Wingate, Rev HL McBridge officiating. Burial in Green Lawn Cemetery, Wingate. Body will lie in state at the church one hour preceding services. Dickerson Funeral Directors, Stockwell in charge. - kbz