Faust - Robert Wray

Source - Crawfordsville Journal Review - 2 Aug 1967
Linden - Robert W. Faust, 82, former Linden resident and a farmer of near Mooresville, died Wednesday morning at Veterans Hospital in Indianapolis. He had been in failing health for over a year. For several years past, he owned and operated a farm and at the same time was employed as a rural mail carrier. He was a member of the Mooresville Church of Christ. An Army veteran of World War II, he served with the infantry in the D-Day landings at Normandy. He was a member of the American Legion Post at Linden. A son of Ora and Verna Pierce Faust, he was born on Sept. 28, 1914, in Montgomery County. He was reared in the Linden area and was a 1934 graduate of Linden High School. Faust was married on April 30, 1947, to Flora Franklin, who survives. Also surviving are two brothers, Leland W and Lloyd W Faust, both of Linden and a sister Edna Elliott of Ladoga. Funeral arrangements are pending.
File Created: 29 September 2011 - kz - thanks muches to Beth R who has typed so many of our obituaries we find on these pages :)