FARLEY, Michael Lee

FARLEY, Michael Lee
Source: Crawfordsville Jourrnal Review 20 April 1970 p3
Funeral services for Pfc. Michael Lee Farley, 21 of Tipton, who has several relatives in this area, including three in Crawfordsville, will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the Ash Street Wesley Church in Tipton. Rev. Arthur Davis and Rev. Francis Taylor will officiate. Burial will be in Crownland cemetery at Noblesville. Friends may call at the Leatherman-Morris Funeral Home in Tipton. Pfc. Farley was killed Friday April 10 in Vietnam. Relatives in the local area include two half sisters and a half brother, all of Crawfordsville. They are Mrs. Phyllis Hayes, Mrs. Sue Leonard and (sorry rest gone)