Eyler - Allan Douglas - KIA - Vietnam

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review, April 30, 1969
Army Warrant Officer Allan Douglas "Doug" Eyler, 21, a former resident of Crawfordsville, was killed in Vietnam last week when the helicopter he was flying collided with another and burned, it was learned here. He is the son of Maxine and George Eyler Jr. of Rt. 2, Poland, Ind. The young man attended Mills School here for four or five years before the family moved away. He was a 1965 graduate of Cascade High School near Stilesville. He entered the Army in October of 1967. His basic training was conducted at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. Surviving are the parents; two sisters, Mrs. Shelia Falitic of Monrovia and Teresa at home; four brothers, George Alan, Phillip, Larry and Donald, all at home, and grandparents, Mrs. Vivian Eyler of Crawfordsville, George H. Eyler Sr. of Danville, Ill., and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johnson of Coatsville. Funeral arrangements are incomplete at Weaver Funeral Home at Coatsville. - jlr