Ermentrout - Cloe - Montgomery InGenWeb Project

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Ermentrout - Cloe

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal 25 Jan 1895 p 8

Mrs. Cloe Ermentrout died on Jan 15 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Johnson after a long period of suffering.  She bore her afflictions with a meek Christian patience. She leaves five children with many relatives and friends to mourn her departure.  Her remains were interred in the Ermentrout cemetery. Funeral sermon will be preached the first Sunday in February at the Dunkard Church at 10:30.  -- kbz

Source: Crawfordsville Daily Journal Friday, 25 January 1895
We are often called upon to chronicle the death of loved ones who have fallen as victims to the might scepter of death and today is the duty made doubly impressive when we realize we are rehearsing that event which was the removal of a part of the foundation of a loving and benevolent community. While the approach of every day brings gladness to some it bears upon the same bosom the parcels labeled sorrow to others. Such was the case in the family of Mrs. Clara Ermentrout who at the time was making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Johnston, near Kirkpatrick.

Wednesday, Jan. 16, had been a day set apart for a family reunion at the residence of H. Ermentrout and with great expectations and fond hopes the deceased had retired on the eve of the 15th thinking the morrow would give, once more clustered in her presence, the surviving children who still remained to bless her life; but near the hour of early morn, the angel of death burst through the case of the clock of life and grasping the pendulum forever stilled the register of mortal time. – thanks so much to “S” for all the wonderful typing for this page

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