Ellis - Charles

Source: Crawfordsville Journal September 3, 1918
Charles Ellis, 41 years old, died at his home, 904 Wayne avenue, this morning at 12:30 o'clock from leakage of the heart, terminating an illness of two months. Mr Ellis was born near this city November 4, 1868, and had lived here all his life. He was a Spanish American War Veteran and a member of the Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church here. He is survived by his aged mother, Mrs. William Ellis, of this city; two sisters, Katherine, living at home, and Mrs. Lucie Cooper, St. Louis Mo., and five brothers, Dan, Bert, Ira D., all living in this city, and Ralph and Arnold in the army in overseas service. The funeral will be held from the home Wednesday at 2:30 o'clock with the Rev. Stanforth in charge.
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