Elliott - John T - CW

Source: Crawfordsville Star July 11 1895 p 1
The death of John T. Elliott was a surprise to family and friends. He died on Tuesday morning after hardly one week’s illness. At the time he was at his home in Fiskerville and the cause of his death was typhoid pneumonia. John Elliott was honest, industrious and a most excellent citizen in all respects, kindley and genial. His death is a shock to a large circle of friends. He was a noble hero of the late war, a survivor of Co A, 63 Regt Ind Vol. The fire department bell was tolled in his memory on Tuesday because for years he was a worthy member of the department. John Elliott leaves a sorrowing wife and a large family to mourn his loss. His burial was on Thursday afternoon and wa sin charge of McPherson Post GAR.
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal July 12, 1895
John T. Elliott died last Tuesday at his home in Fiskville after a short and painful illness, having been taken with pneumonia a few days since. The funeral occurred on Thursday at 2:30 o'clock under the auspices of the G.A.R. McPherson Post met at 2 o'clock and marched the body to the residence where the services took place.
Mr. Elliott was raised in Crawfordsville and was known and respected by all. He was always good and patriotic citizen and his loss will be felt. He served three years in the civil war as a member of Co. A., 63rd Indiana regiment and was a fine soldier. He was for years a member of the volunteer fire department of Crawfordsville and on Tuesday the fire bell was tolled upon the announcement of his death. Mr. Elliott leaves a wife and several grown children to mourn his loss, they having the sympathy of all in their sad bereavement. – thanks to Kim H
Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal Friday, 12 July 1895
The funeral of John T. Elliott occurred yesterday afternoon from the family residence. The exercises were under the auspices of the G. A. R. and a large concourse of friends was in attendance – thanks so much to “S” for all the wonderful typing for this page