Durnil - Darrell
Darrell Durnil

Source - Crawfordsville Journal Review - 25 Sept 1966
A Montgomery County man employed in Crawfordsville was killed instantly and five other persons injured, all seriously, in a two-car crash about 2:50 p.m. Sunday at a blind gravel road intersection three miles east of Romney. Dead was 25 year old Darrell E. Durnil, who state police said had a skull fracture and broken neck. He resided nine miles west of Crawfordsville on Ind. 32. Darrell Durnil, they said was employed at the Raybestos-Manhattan, Inc. Wabash division plant in Crawfordsville. His body was taken to the Helms Funeral Home at Linden. He had been employed at the Crawfordsville plant since July 1 of this year. Darrell Durnil was born in Crawfordsville April 9, 1941, a son of Wesley R. and Rozetta Mulvaney Durnil. He was married to Bonita Lyon Jan 26, 1963 in Crawfordsville. He was educated in New Richmond schools. Mr. Durnil was a member of the Baptist church. Surviving are his wife: the parents; a daughter, Julie Ann, a son, Byron E,; five brothers, Clyde of Linden, Carl of Newtown, Jack of New Richmond, Marvin of Romney and Michael, who is in the Army in viet Nam; six sisters, Mrs. Bennie Smith of Campbellsburg, Mrs. Harold Sutton of Salem, Mrs. William Clark of Mellott, Mrs. Rex Rembe of Princeton, and Misses Dorothy and Wilma Durnil, both of New Richmond and several nieces and nephews. Funeral arrangements are pending. The family is awaiting word from the American Red Cross as to whether the Army will grant the brother in Viet Nam a furlough to return home. Taken to Home Hospital at Lafayette were: Durnil's brother, Marvin, 23 of Rt 11 Lafayette, driving the car in which the victim was riding. The younger Durnil had multiple fractures and lacerations, police reported. Mrs. William Gick, 23, of Clarks Hill, driver of the other auto, who had a knee laceration and multiple fractures. Mrs. Gick's two small children, Renee 11 months, with a fractured thigh and head injure, and Rachelle 2, who had a fractured thigh. Mrs. Gick's mother, Mrs. Rowana Smith, 53, of Romney, with fractures of the left arm and right leg and severe lacerations about the body. The hospital said Monday that Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Gick were in fair condition in the intensive care ward. Mrs. Gick's children were reported in fair condition and Marvin Durnil was listed as satisfactory. Police said the accident occurred at the intersection of Tippecanoe County 1200S and 300E and about a mile south of Ind. 28. The scene was near the homes of both drivers. Police reported the intersections unmarked and blind due to cornfields. The Gick car struck the Durnil auto on the passenger side. The impact, according to investigation troopers, tore up both vehicles so badly there were described as "totals" in damage. - kbz
Source - Crawfordsville Journal Review - 26 Sept 1966
Funeral services for Darrell Durnil, who was killed in an automobile accident Sunday in Tippecanoe County, will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Helms Funeral Home in Linden. Rev. David Williams will officiate. Burial will be in Linden Cemetery. Friends may pay respects after 1 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Mr. Durnil was born in Washington County, not in Crawfordsville as reported Monday.
Source - Crawfordsville Journal Review - 30 Sept 1966
Card of Thanks - We want to acknowledge our appreciation to our neighbors, friends, relatives and to anyone else for their comforting words at the loss of our beloved husband, father, brother and son, Darrell E. Durnil. The family