Dunbaar - Simon
Source: Des Moines Tribune Thu 19 April 1928 p 21
Osceola – Simon Dunbar, 90 years old, a Civil War veteran, died here Wednesday after a long illness. He had lived in Iowa 69 years. Funeral services will be held Friday. - kbz
Source: Clinton County Review 26 April 1928 p 8
On Thursday of last week, Capt. Dunbar of Darlington received a telegram stating that his uncle, Sine Dunbar was dead at his home in Oceanla, Iowa. He was past 88 years old. He and his wife celebrated their 68th wedding anniversary last October. Mrs. Dunbar died during the winter and her maiden name was Blarker (sic). Both Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar were born and reared in this section of the country. Mr. Dunbar was one of a family of 16 children and Mrs. Bet Bowers is the last survivor and she is past 84. There were seven half brothers and sisters and only two of them are living, Jesse Dunbar at Jacksonville, Ill and George Dunbar of Frankfort. Sine Dunbar had many friends here and in Iowa. He leaves 9 children, 16 grandchildren, one sister, two half brothers and a large circle of friends to mourn his departure. - thanks to Mary Jo