Drake - Robert E.

Source - Crawfordsville Journal Review - 7 Jun 1966
Waynetown - Robert E. Drake, 50, of Waynetown, an Air Force veteran, died at 1:30 p.m. Sunday in the Veterans Hospital at East Orange, N.J. after a week's illness. A son of Charles and Mary Wootan Drake, he was born in July 2, 1915 in Indianapolis. He served as an airman in 1941-45 and again in the Air Force from 1950 to 1961. Mr. Drake had lived in Waynetown the last five years. He was a painter. Survivors include four children, James R. of Indianapolis and Rochelle, Stephanie and Kevin of Waynetown and a sister Mrs. J.L. Ludlow of Hillsboro. Funeral services are set for 2 p.m. Thursday at Crumley=Williams Funeral Home in Hillsboro, where friends may call after 3 p.m. Wednesday. Rev. Morris Finch of the Waynetown Christian Church will be the minister and burial will be in Rose Hill Cemetery at Hillsboro.
Source - Crawfordsville Journal Review - 11 Jun 1966
Waynetown, Ind.- Services will be at 2 p..m. Thursday at the Crumley-Williams Funeral Home in Hillsboro for Robert E. Drake, 50 , of Waynetown, who died Sunday evening (June 5, 1966) at the East Orange, N.J. Veterans Administration Hospital. Born on July 2, 1915 at Indianapolis, he was the son of Charles and Mary Wootan Drake. Surviving are a son, James R. Drake, Indianapolis; two daughters, Rochelle and Stephanie Drake, both of Waynetown; a son, Kevin, Waynetown, one sister, Mrs. J.L. Ludlow, Hillsboro. Mr. Drake served 15 years in the U.S. Air Force and had lived in Waynetown for five years. Burial will be in Rose Hill Cemetery of Hillsboro. Friends may call after 3 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. - kbz
Source - ???? (found in old scrapbook) Date ????
Hillsboro, Ind. Services for Robert E. Drake were held Thursday at the Crumley-Williams funeral Home, with the Rev. Morris Finch officiating. Waynetown American Legion conducted the military graveside rites at Rose Hill Cemetery, Hillsboro.
- kbz