Durham - Henry North

Source: Waveland Independent Waveland, Montgomery County, Indiana Jan 6, 1955
Henry North DURHAM, 63, Rt 1, Waveland, prominent Montgomery County farmer and former commander of the Waveland American Legion Post died Friday night at the Culver Hospital. He was stricken Thursday afternoon while driving the tractor on a road near his farm 3 miles east of Waveland. Neighbors took him home and summoned the physician and he was removed to the hospital. Born in Parke County, the son of George T. and Betty North Durham, where he attended school, in youth he was an active member of the earlier Waveland Baptist Church and later the Bryn Mar Community Church of Chicago. He was also a member of the Waveland American Legion Post and State Agricultural Committee of the Indiana Department of the Legion. He served in the Army in WWI. Mr. Durham married Pauline DAVIS of near Crawfordsville in 1917. Following their marriage they moved to Hammond and later to Chicago where he was in the garage business for many years. Mr. and Mrs. Durham returned to Montgomery County in 1945. Since then they resided in the Fullenwider farm near Waveland. It was soon after their return that Mr. Durham was elected commander of the Waveland Legion. Surviving are the widow, a daughter, Betty Ellder Steele of near Philadelphia; a granddaughter, Elizabeth T. Steele; a brother, Roscoe Durham, living in Florida and two sisters, Mrs. Homer Elmore of Crawfordsville and Mrs. Newt Fullenwider of Waveland. He was preceded in death by a son, Richard Davis Durham, who died in infancy. As a farmer he was a master craftsman and as a neighbor one of outstanding thoughtfulness and helpfulness whenever and wherever need arose. The funeral was held at the Machledt Funeral Home, Monday afternoon at 2 with Rev. DeNeal in charge and Kenneth Coleman rendering two vocal hymns. Graveside rites were conducted by the Byron Cox Post of the American Legion of Waveland; Russellville and Rockville posts participating. Those attending from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Anger Steele and daughter, Elizabeth of Downington, Pa; Mrs. Howard Fyffe, Franklyn; Mrs. Albert Armantrout of New Market; Mr. and Mrs. TB Steele and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Steel (sic) of Robison, Illinois; Rev. Auston Elmore and wife of Beech Grove; Mr. and Mrs. U Elmore; Mr. and Mrs. E. Shelton; Mrs. WS Harding and Jessie Boyland of Crawfordsville; Mr. and Mrs. E. Eakle, Waynetown; Mr. and Mrs. J. Camron Stimson of Terre Haute; the Layton Scott Post and Bud McCormick of Rockville; Mrs. Hubert Sayler and Mr. and Mrs. Donald and Kathleen Ball all of New Market. - kbz