Drury - John
John Drury

Source: Crawfordsville Journal Review, 13-May-1919
Capt. John Drury, 61, died Monday night at his home, 906 W. Main Street after an illness which dated back to last October. He was a resident of this city all his life. Mr. Drury was a member of St. Bernard Church and Eagles Fraternal order. He was married twice, the 1st time to Mary E Johnson and 2nd to Katherine McDonald. Both preceded him. Mr. Drury was commander of the local company of Knights of St. John and on 3 occasions won 1st prize with the team. During the world war he was selected to drill the registered men who wished to secure a knowledge of military training before enterting the service and during this time he was made Major. The deceased leaves four children: WJ Drury of Cleveland; Mrs. Chas Clements, Crawfordsville; Charles F. Drury of Ft. Wayne and Mrs. John Slattery, Detroit; three brothers, George, Will and Dave of Indianapolis; and three sisters, Mrs. Harry Stephens of Chicago; Mrs. Lon Whitaker, Urbana Ill; and Mrs. Henry Miller of this city. Funeral services will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock at the St. Bernard's Church. -- typed by kbz