Doherty - Madison (Matt)

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, 27 April 1900
He Expires Last Monday at Eureka Springs, Arkansas---Burled Here.
Fred Doherty, last Monday received a telegram from Eureka Springs, Ark., announcing the death there of his uncle, Madison Doherty. Mr. Doherty had been in failing health for some time, being afflicted with dropsy and other ailments. Still his death was quite a surprise. The body was brought here for interment. Madison Doherty was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fisher Doherty and was born in 1846 in a house which stood across the street from the present residence of Mrs. Linnie Lynn.
During the war he enlisted in the 120th Indiana regiment and served three years as a member of Company B. After the war he engaged in tho carriage business with his father and brother, Marsh, and resided in this city until about twelve years ago, when he entered business at Joplin. Mo. He leaves two sons, Harry, and John, who have been with him for several years. Mr. Doherty was a whole-souled man and had a large number of friends, all of whom will be pained to learn of his demise. He was a man well liked by all with whom he came in contact. - thanks so much to Kim H