Davis - Lawrence "Poke" WWI
Source: Crawfordsville Journal-Review Dec 18, 1972 p 4 (from the Proctor's wonderful Waynetown Masonic Cemetery database)
Lawrence "Poke" Davis, 75, a retired farmer died in surgery late Saturday afternoon at Veterans Hospital in Indianapolis. He had been treated at Culver Hospital earlier in the day and transferred to the VA Hospital. His residence was on Rt 8 north of Crawfordsville.
Mr. Davis served in World War I. He was a membe rof Byron Cox Post 72, the American Legion at Crawfordsville and the Waynetown Baptist Church. He was born Aug 7, 1897 in FOuntain COunty to Isaac and Eldora (sic) Westfall Davis. He was educated in Fountain County schools.
Mr. Davis was married Oct 10, 1942 to Lena Muller of Waynetown who survives. Other survivors include a son, Leslie Davis of Oakland, Calif; a stepson, Leslie Humphreys of North Palm Beach, Fla; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Ina Ellen Bixler of Chambersburg, Pa; two step grandchildren and two step great grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by two brothers and three sisters. Services for Mr. Davis will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Servies-Thomas Funeral Home in Waynetown with Rev. Frank Little of Crawfordsville officiating. Burial will be in Waynetown masonic Cemetery, where military rites will be given by the American Legion. Friends may call at the funeral home. - kbz