Davis - Earl Kenneth
Source: Indianapolis Star, Tues Dec 14, 1954 p 25
Earl Kenneth Davis, 53 years old, 1438 Shannon Avenue died yesterday in Methodist Hospital. A resident of Indianapolis since 1926, Mr. Davis was salesman for 15 years for the National Biscuit Company. Previously he had been salesman for Century Biscuit & Sawyer Biscuit companies. He was a native of Wood, Ill and resided in Crawfordsville before coming to Indianapolis. He was a member of First Evangelical United Brethren Church at Crawfordsville, Masonic Lodge 35, Mark Clark Class of the Scottish Rite, Murat Shrine and Knights Templer 4. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Thursday in the EUB Church at Crawfordsville. Burial will be in Oak Hill Cemetery, Crawfordsville. Survivors are the widow, Mrs. Eva Mae Davis; a daughter, Mrs. Anna Kathleen Gillispie of Indianapolis; two grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Edna McMurry of Crawfordsville and three brothers, Karl P. Davis of Cincinnati; Roy V. Davis of Terre Haute and Floyd Davis of Crawfordsville. – kbz